AirDeck Original was short-listed for the "Best Health and Safety Product" category in the prestigious Housebuilder Product Awards 2015 .

AirDeck fall arrest units are a simple and easy way of ensuring worker safety, in the event of a fall, in a variety of scenarios up to 2.5 Meters from the ground.
The AirDeck System can be easily configured to cover any area and are lightweight and easy to transport to a new location once the work is done.
The AirDeck units can be individually deflated in around 30-40 seconds and once deflated can be easily stored (50 units can fit within a cubic meter of space).
AirDeck has been recognised by its selection as a finalist in the Health and Safety category for this years HouseBuilder product awards- the winner of which will be announced in late June.
To view all the nominees and find out the winners visit this link: HouseBuilders Products Awards 2015