Height Safety

Working at height safety
A fall from any height can cause serious injury – whether it’s working from a small step ladder or building houses, unloading a lorry or aircraft maintenance. Falls from height remains the biggest cause of workplace deaths or injuries.
The three main rules for work at height safety are:
1) Avoid working at height – where possible you should avoid working at height, instead use accessories and tools for e.g. long handle window cleaning tools.
2) Prevent a fall - Use prevention measures and fall protection systems such as railings and safety lines that prevent falls from height.
3) Minimise the risks – Reduce the distance and impact of the fall with fall arrest systems.

Work at height must be properly planned and carried out by trained and competent people, and risks should be minimised.
Here are some other things to look out for:
The place where work is done at height (including the means of access) is safe and has features to prevent a fall.
Equipment for work at height is inspected.
Equipment in use is the most suitable system for the task.
Collective protection measures (e.g. guard rails, fall arrest bags) are a priority over personal protection measures (e.g. safety harnesses);
Take account of the working conditions as they vary across sites.
AirDeck is a good option because it provides a ‘collective’ and a ‘passive’ solution to minimising the consequences of a fall, in as much as it offers protection to all people in the area (collective) and it does not require an individual to take any specific actions to activate the protection (passive)
AirDeck offers fall protection to workers up to a height of 3.25 metres above the work floor. It is quickly installed, as it is inflated in seconds, can be easily transported to the point of use.
AirDeck will ensure a soft landing well within the requirements of PAS 59 : 14 which states that a 100kg weight falling from 2 metres above the top surface of the fall arrest cushion should not exceed 14g in any one of three directions.
Browse the full AirDeck™ product range in our Shop or if you are not ready to commit to a purchase, take a look at our hiring options.
For more information, contact our team at: enquiries@airdecksafety.com